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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I Have No Plans for Summer

It dawns on me today that I have nothing planned for summer to fill the time.  My kids are all part of our pool's swim team and morning practices began today now that school's out.  We are finished with our daily obligations by 10 a.m. ... and have the rest of the day to fill.

My children are going away to camp - but not until August.  One week, Ginger Ninja is going to a Lacrosse Skills Camp while the Giggle Twins will enjoy VBS.  And that's the extent of our summer plans.  This is a first for me.  I usually have "a plan."  It may be unrealistic.  It may involve educational workbooks that wind up being ignored.  It might even have day trips that don't happen.  But there's usually something I've thought up - at least spent time thinking on.  Not this year. So far, this summer seems to have no plan.  Granted, today is Summer Break Day One - but still.

Then the epiphany comes:  I have no plans for summer.

While my summer is beginning without much forethought, the last year (and more) has been anything but!  Since last year, my children have gone non-stop.  Seriously.  From Summer 2010 they have done: swim team, football (with August practices), which overlapped into basketball, which overlapped into lacrosse, flag football and soccer, which overlapped into this swim season.  They - and we (the parents crazy enough to sign them up for all this stuff) - have gone non-stop.

This is our summer of rest.  We will really rest.  We will move our bodies around in the morning when it's cool enough to do it - then rest, relax, and rejuvenate the remainder of the day - in whatever form that takes.  We will reinvest in family-time, board games, Popsicles, firefly catching, sleepovers, hanging out with friends, impromptu fire-pits and marshmallow roasting/s'more eating.  And we will relish in every moment of it.

I encourage you to find rest today.  Whether it be in the car when you pull in from work and sit for an extra three or four minutes before diving into the house or a stroll to the mailbox all alone; I encourage you to find the moments where God is calling to you and see if you can listen well enough to hear Him beckon: "Come to me ... and ... find rest for your soul."  

*“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11: 28-30 NIV

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  1. Amen! Our one sport for the summer is baseball (spilled over from spring ball into a traveling All Star team, sigh.) but until 6 pm every night, the day belongs to us. No camps or work to do. I do have a "summer to-do" list of stuff that we can do at our own leisure, but other than that, we get to relax. :)

  2. Love this! We don't have big plans for the summer either. Swim lessons and a few trips. That's it. I've been mulling over 1 Thessalonians 4:11 & 12 lately - it works well with this.

  3. no plans here!! so happy to hear that i am not the only one! come over and hang sometime(s)!!
