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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

“Let the redeemed of the LORD say this--those he redeemed from the hand of the foe,”
Psalm 107:2

Sinful pasts, hurt-filled relationships, broken before man and God.  It is not that we pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and move on; it is God’s Spirit at work in our lives that redeems us.  “Let the redeemed of the LORD say this – those he redeemed from the hand of the foe.”  When you have been redeemed, you share your good news with everyone.  You’re excited and it’s contagious!

Who is the foe?  The Enemy, Satan.  Satan would like nothing better than for us to get caught in the vicious cycle of negative relationships and heavy baggage.  His great ploy is that we have plenty of time to deal with it.  Now is the time!  Be redeemed!  Be set free!  Soar and to God be the Glory!

As you prepare for this weekend, continue reading a few more verses, Psalm 107:1-15.  Thank God for his unfailing love and his wondrous deeds.  He satisfies, he breaks chains.  He truly does set us free to fly!

Stephanie Morris, Mom Encourager


“…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
Hebrews 12:1b

Yesterday, we stopped worrying about our belongings, knowing the perfect abundance we’d live in with Christ.  Today, we continue our theme by throwing off “everything that hinders us,” so that we may live a life already “marked out for us,” by Christ.

If we do not cast off our hindrances, we may not be able to even find the path marked out for us.  Scripture tells us the path is certain, “marked out.”  And it tells us how to follow the path, by removing ourselves from sin that “so easily entangles” us.  This is a familiar sin; the one where we’re perched at the edge of the proverbial slippery slope.  My easily entangled sin is different from yours, but we must both stand vigilant keeping it off the path.  We must keep pulling the weeds, so our path remains clearly marked.  To stay on the path, we must “run with perseverance.”  Run is active – it’s continual.  We must persevere in keeping sin at bay – it’s not a one-time thing.

Continue reading a bit further, Hebrews 12:1-3.  Cast off the sin that so easily entangles choosing freedom to run the great race marked out before you.

Stephanie Morris, Mom Encourager

Monday, March 19, 2012

“Never mind about your belongings, because the best of all Egypt will be yours.”
Gen. 45:20 NIV

Isn’t funny how when we have God fully present in our lives, nothing else really matters? All the little things, that may have loomed large, don’t seem quite so daunting. In Genesis 45 Joseph is reunited with his family and they join him in Egypt, where he now rules the land.

Pharaoh decrees Joseph’s family not to worry about their belongings, because they will have all the best things in Egypt. This scene is one of restoration, declaring freedom from past sins.  When we deal with our past, our sins, and bring it before God, he reclaims us, restores us, and refines us. Suddenly, the stuff of our life seems pale when we relish in the Glory and Mercy of our Great God.

Never mind about the stuff, it’s time to be redeemed. It’s time for a fresh anointing! As you prepare for our weekend together, “never mind about your belongings,” and know that God frees you from all sin.

Stephanie Morris, Mom Encourager

First in a series for Blacksburg Women's Conference.