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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Things Others Say - Thursday 6.16.11

Status Update from a friend:

  1. Wake up.
  2. Ask God what He's going to do today.
  3. Join Him.

How perfect is that?  My brother says, "We make plans ... God laughs."  I am reminded of the scripture from Jeremiah, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  Plans for a hope and a future."  And He does - He has a plan for us each day.  Not just the days that go well, but every day.  As my mom says, "It's not like that song from Oklahoma:"

Oh what a beautiful morning.
Oh what a beautiful day.
I've got a beautiful feeling.
Everything's going my way.

It's not just the days where everything's going your way that God is active.  He's in the every; and there's comfort in that.  When your car won't turn over as you're about to head out the door.  When you spill coffee on the keyboard.  When your child misses the bus.  When you're having technical difficulty.  When your husband deploys unexpectedly.  God is in those moments, too.

A trusted mentor taught me to praise God for the heartache, the troubles.  Do you know how hard that is to do?  Thank you, Lord, for my son breaking his arm.  Thank you for the fights my husband and I are having.  Thank you for my child's learning disability.  Those are tough prayers.  But He's in the struggles, too.

God places struggles in our lives intentionally.  Perhaps your child's broken arm uncovers a medical issue otherwise hidden.  Maybe the marital strife helps you come alongside a friend in the same situation with insight and encouragement.  We consistently face challenges for reasons we may never know (although sometimes we get a glimpse).  God's timeline is a grand one, too extensive for us to fathom.

I encourage you today to join God in His plan: His plan for you or for the part you might play in another's plan.  

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