How do I remember to pray for him? Whenever I pray for my own children, about anything, I pray for Tamimy. I don't have to know exactly what's going on with him and his life to offer him up to God. God already knows! I pray for his safety, his family, his schooling, his health, his spiritual walk. I pray that he and his family have enough to eat; that he has time to play; that he has friends. I pray that his teachers are kind and he likes school. I pray all sorts of things for this little boy.
I admit, I wasn't faithful about writing to him like I should. And if you know me, you know I'm worse at using the postal service than I am about returning phone calls - and I'm terrible at returning phone calls!! One day I was visiting the Compassion website to learn more when I found out that sponsored children have a chance to write to their sponsor every Saturday. If they hadn't received a letter - they were "left out." I was crushed with guilt.
I could only imagine my little guy saddened that other children were receiving and reading great blessings from their sponsor family while he sat by idly. Crushed, I tell you! Then I saw it ... I the link to send a letter ONLINE. Now, that's something I could get onboard with! I bookmarked the page, set up an online account, and put a reminder on my Google calendar. Now, every Wednesday, I type up a letter to Tamimy. The online feature even lets me upload a picture, if I want. My children will often wander by while I'm writing to him and ask to send him a letter. Now, he's getting lots of mail from us - along with our daily prayers.
Learn about how Compassion works today!

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