Their response always gives me a chance to respond with a question to learn a little more about their prayer request, too. "What are you excited for about band?" "How do you get fuzzies?" "Are you ready for the math test?" "Who's your buddy?" Short, but meaningful conversations in the midst of an often busy morning routine help us really connect before we all go about the day's events.
Moms In Prayer (formerly Moms In Touch) offers a fabulous email resource to support you in praying for your child and their school. It comes daily to your email with a prayer complete with fill-in-the-blanks. Sometimes the email is a prayer for your child, other children, school staff, school, or yourself. I receive the email and read it aloud, inserting my kids names into it - or whomever else it might be designated for.
This was today's email:
Add the name of a child you know in the verse below.
Lord, may _____ know that the very hairs on his/her head are all numbered. May he/she not be afraid; may _____ know that he/she is valuable to You.
From Luke 12:7 (NLT)
I love this form of prayer for me to intentionally pray for all the things surrounding my children as they move through their school-life. You can join the Worldwide Prayer Movement at:

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