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Mom Encouragement
Sometimes funny,
sometimes spiritually challenging -
always encouraging.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mom's Yelling Again

"If you don't stop yelling at your kids now," she said, "they won't even hear you when they're older." Some of the best advice I ever got from a dear friend when my kiddos were small. She didn't even know I had *fury* issues. And it was a fury.  When you fly into a tantrum screaming at your kiddos, them scared to death and crying up a storm.  Yet, you can't reel it in.  

She was definitely right about the "not hearing you when they're older" part, too.  My mom was a screamer.  She'd yell and yell and yell.  Sometimes she was angry, sometimes not - but she yelled.  A lot.  And all us kids did get to the point where we just tuned her out.  "Mom's yellin' again."  La la la la la .... as we went about our business.  Oh, we'd do whatever she was fussing over ....  

When someone has lost their temper, the fury or tantrum that ensues is only a symptom of the real issue.  Like a cough could indicate many other issues - allergies, sore throat, pneumonia, plain ol' cold, etc, etc.  The anger masks a bevy of emotions: sadness, embarrassment, frustration, grief, shame, the list goes on and on.  

I vowed to make a change.  It took about a year, really.  But it did happen.  A slew of things changed in my life to accomplish this modification to my behavior: increased activity, weight loss, friendships, spiritual growth, more children, better communication, accepting help, and more.  In the midst of it all, I faithfully prayed for God to supernaturally grow patience and self-control in me.  He did.  I had three children age three and under, I had plenty of reason to be completely undone pretty much all the time.  

The video camera was my accountability partner.  I wouldn't lose my cool on tape!  I was the patient, loving mom I wanted to be.  I wasn't faking it.  I was training myself.  I would invite people over.  I also wouldn't lose it in front of others.  Let's face it, we're nicer to our children and our spouse when there's an audience.  It wasn't long before I could let go of those safety-nets.  I was a quick learner.  

Now, don't get me wrong, I still lose it - I'm human.  Today, I'm in better control of my emotions and take steps to stop the anger spiral.  I would love to share my story with you.

I speak regularly on Anger Management.  Connect with me - I'd love to meet your group.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

48 Hours Later

Can you believe that after just two days of stretching and light exercise that my back doesn't hurt anymore?  Seriously!  I woke up this morning without pain.  It didn't take much to get moving in the right direction, but I had to start.  

Today's another day that's been filled with meetings and chores and errands.  I need to carve out the time to exercise.  Today, my time is "tonight."  During a lacrosse practice, I'll walk laps at the field.  

Okay, so I'm not doing backbends ... yet ... maybe next week!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Time's Running Out

I'm on Day 2 of exercise and I feel like the day is getting away from me and I won't have time to exercise.  
Not having time for exercise
means I haven't made it a priority.  
It's not like I've frittered the day away.  I spent the morning on the phone with team members, had my annual evaluation, took my son to the orthodontist, went grocery shopping, got home and finally ate (for the first time today), unloaded the car, scheduled service on my Frigidaire refrigerator (don't buy this brand) for the FIFTH time since we purchased it 18 months ago, made a hair appointment, connected with my team for scheduling their evals, and talked with a friend about starting a YouTube channel.  I clearly have not been idle ... but still need to make time.  I won't find any extra time lying around anywhere.  I need to carve out the time.  

Right now, I can get it thirty minutes before the giggle twins come home.  And I can get a little more time in tonight while the kids are all at the lacrosse fields.  I'm going to seize the moment.  I have chosen well today by enjoying a POWER drink.  

My hubby calls it Kryptonite.  

Come join me on the journey towards AWESOME!

Monday, April 1, 2013

From Atrophy to Awesome - Who's With Me?

I just shared on FB how I hadn't exercised since Halloween.  We went on a cruise at the beginning of November - where I didn't gain any weight (yeah me!), but I also didn't exercise.  Unless you call weaving through walkers "exercise."  That's another story.  Upon our return, my mom's health failed and I spent the remainder of the year caring for her.  Everything else was put aside.  Life and death happened in between and now, three months later, I think I might be ready to try again.  Why now?

My body hurts 

when I'm not doing anything.  
My body hurts pretty much all the time.  Inactivity has done me in.  My lower back aches sitting, standing, walking, and everything in between.  I've lost all range of motion.  To say I'm not flexible is probably an understatement.  Everything is tight.  It's just not good.  And I'm tired of telling my husband how much my back hurts or my neck hurts ... waa, waa, waa!

Upon recommendations of my FB friends, I simply need to start.  One friend suggested to do the beginning of any workout and add a few minutes each week.  Another suggested the couch to 5k program (which sounds great, but I avoid running unless being chased by someone with a weapon - no weapon, I'll take my chances).  Some have suggested restorative yoga - I think I need to look into that - I've not enjoyed yoga in the past.  Swimming is a winner with no "impact" and a great way to stretch out my muscles.  Long and lean, is what I envision.

I don't want a reason not to exercise, 

so I think I'll wait on swimming so I don't use it as an excuse.  Walking is good.  I've started walking with friends a couple times a week - and my legs are so sore for days afterward.
Today, I have started.  I took the "beginning of a workout" idea and found a couple of EIGHT minute routines.  That way, I can finish - I need to finish.  I found an eight minute stretch from head to toe and realized how little I can really move.  I finished another eight minute workout for the legs.  I did most of it.  On top of my sixteen minute routine, so far, I added some ridiculously silly "Jamaican Me Move" aerobics for eight minutes.  Hilariously funny fashions from the eighties. 

Another FB friend suggested an "accountability partner."  Oh!  And to be active for 30 minutes every single day.  YIKES!  This is it.  I'm going to try to share my workout successes and failures with you along the way.  I'd love to tell you I'll post every day, but let's be real ... that probably won't happen :)  Come with me and tell me what you're doing.  You can inspire me while I encourage you.