The first two days, you need someone waiting on you and taking care of you. Sleeping wasn't even a viable escape for the discomfort/pain. Yet, day by day, I did get better. By day three, I was putzing around the house. Day four, brought a set back with a popped stitch. Day five I went out to my son's basketball playoffs. However, sitting up, unassisted, proved nauseating for most of the game. Driving was entirely different adventure.
In between bouts of tempered activity came long stretches in bed (or the recliner) resting, resting, resting. The day I was finally able to venture down to the mailbox, my neighbor's dog bit me. Now, there's never a good time to get bit by a dog - yet, it seemed to add insult to injury to have to nurse an open wound while I still had surgical bandages around my midsection.
The following day brought my post-op appointment with a clean bill of health, a trip to my primary care doc for antibiotics (to guard against infection) and a tetanus shot. Today brought a trip to the radiologist for an x-ray.
Recovering from surgery seemed to move along swimingly, until I ventured outside on a springlike day, because I was finally feeling better. Want to have a speedy recovery? Stay inside the first week! No matter WHAT!!!
This is always the case? We always learn the lesson after all the pain. Glad you are feeling better.