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Mom Encouragement
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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Letting Go

Off the bus, up the pipestem, and through the front door, "Hi Mom! Can I go play down at the big tree?"
"Who else is down there?"
"Everyone, Mom. Can I?"
Deep heavy sigh. You see I cannot see the big tree from my front door. I can see the area close to it, but I cannot see the big tree or the creek with the secret fort. The other kids' homes are right next to the big tree and their parents can see them from their kitchen window or back deck. Watching your kids play equals comfort.
"Yes. You can. Can you wear your watch and check in with me?"
"Sure, Mom. Are there brownies?"
He heads for the brownies, grabs two and heads out the door.
"Thanks, Mom."
Deep, heavy sigh.

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya sister, tough letting them go down around that bend.
