“Do you shoot first and ask questions later?” was how we
began this series. We've been exploring many
ways to communicate well in the midst of confrontation. The inspiration behind this series was
this: I ask you to do something. You do not do it (for whatever reason, valid
or not, it really doesn't matter). Further discussion has occurred about the lack
of action. Agreement may or may not have
been reached. The lack of action results
in a complication.
Do you shoot first?
Do you explode, “Look! I asked
you to do this and NOW look what’s happened?!!” You can imagine the conversation that
ensues. Is there more to it? Of course: feelings, interpretations, the way
I see it vs. the way you see it. But, it’s
all expository. The basic message
remains: conflict happened.
Do you react or do you respond? Do not react! Respond thoughtfully. Reacting is impulsive. Take some time and cool off. Go for a walk.
Leave it overnight. PressPause. There are very, very, very few
things that must be handled NOW. In the light of eternity, does this said offense really matter?
We live
in an instant messaging,
instant information, instant gratification world –
time we get over ourselves.
This is where Grace enters in. Those who've been extended much grace have
much grace to extend. Meaning, those who've screwed up the most give others the most leeway (or they should).
Are you a doormat by extending Grace? By not saying why feelings are hurt are you
allowing this to happen again? Only you
know the answer to that. There isn't a
logic flow chart for relationships that fits every scenario and mindset. I would wager if you’re having the same
negative experiences over and over again, it’s time to discuss it and make some
changes. Not all changes are fair for each party; and mostly they involve your changing your own behavior - yikes!
Was it a major conflict?
It depends on how it’s handled. Period.
You could be talking about large sums of
money and debt; a child’s safety; or not turning in your homework. It’s all about how you have the conversation
that follows. Conflict requires “fixing”
a problem. It is possible to fix a problem without getting at the heart
of the matter right away. Let’s get the
homework done, turned in, create a system empowering the student
toward success. You can do this without
investigating the why behind the action (the heart of the matter). You can create checks and balances for your
child's safety to meet your needs without addressing why you are so concerned. You can reallocate funds, borrow money, sell
assets to build a stronger financial picture without discussion the why behind
each answer that lead to the situation. However ...

Successfully winding up difficult conversations can restore
relationships, make them healthier and stronger for the long run. We’ll talk about assigning blame/fault as we
wrap up this series.
Series Highlights
- Press Pause
- Choosing the Right Time to Talk
- How to Connect So Your Message Is Received
- Listening Well Helps your Get Your Message Across
- Hiding Behind Your Computer
- Doormat or Helpmate?
- Response, Wrapped in Love, Equals Restoration
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