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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Crafting your Gift Giving

I am an impatient crafter.  I really want to be creative, but I want my finished product NOW.  I don't want to wait for glue or paint to dry.  I want to find all the supplies I need at the same store - and on sale.  I want the project to go exactly as I envisioned.  Oh!  And I want others to see said creation and ooooh and ahhhhh over it.

Insert deep, heavy, laborious sigh here.

Am I speaking anyone's language?  This is where Pinterest will be the death of me.  The cutest pictures of the most adorable creations are posted online.  Upcycled t-shirt in five easy steps.  100 Christmas Gifts in a Jar. 50 Gifts for $5 or less.  Decorate your home with Subway Art printables.  All I can tell you, is that I've tried these - really I have.  I have read the instructions over and over and over again.  I have done the project only to redo it thinking "I've got it this time."  Only to be saddened by my results.  Every time, it looks like a preschooler has done the work.  Actually, I think a four-year-old could probably do better - he'd have his crafty Mom's help!

I console myself that writing and encouraging other women is my gift.  I cannot wrap it up and give it to someone.  I cannot put it under the tree.  You cannot spend it at Starbucks - but hopefully, it is a gift that lasts ... and at least it won't clutter up your home.

What's your favorite go-to gift for teachers, co-workers, neighbors?